Tags: Finance

Wall Street Gets Big Win as Powell Floats Scrapping Capital Plan

Wall Street Gets Big Win as Powell Floats Scrapping Capital Plan

By: Katanga Johnson & Craig Torres Wall Street banks are on the cusp of a sweeping regulatory victory after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell signaled officials would scale back plans to make them hold more capital. The world’s most powerful central banker flatly told lawmakers Wednesday that the government’s plan was in for “broad and material changes,” and that […]

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What Are the Options for Real Estate Owners Facing Loan Defaults

What Are the Options for Real Estate Owners Facing Loan Defaults

By Harold Bordwin The almost daily announcements in the press about defaults, foreclosures, deeds-in-lieu and, among other things, the forthcoming sale of Signature Bank’s $33 billion commercial real estate loan portfolio are ominous signs for the real estate community. They reflect the challenges facing commercial real estate owners and lenders in this age of elevated interest rates […]

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