Tags: Boston

Amid lab space glut, a big lease at last

Amid lab space glut, a big lease at last

By Jon Chesto It took longer than expected,but The Davis Companies’ big bet on Watertown Square is paying off with the region’s largest lease deal for newly built lab space so far this year. Davis and its partner Boston Development Group just inked a deal with serial biotech entrepreneur Greg Verdine that would bring two of Verdine’s […]

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Target plaza in Cambridge’s Porter Square sells for $20M

Target plaza in Cambridge’s Porter Square sells for $20M

By Greg Ryan CBRE Group Inc.’s investment arm has sold a shopping plaza in Cambridge’s Porter Square to two local firms for $20.1 million. Crosspoint Associates and Long Wharf Capital now own Porter Square Galleria, a 55,610-square-foot property anchored by a Target Corp. store. The plaza is 96% leased, with Retro Fitness, Citizens Bank and Anna’s Taqueria among its other […]

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By one key measure, Boston’s lab market is in as rough shape as the pandemic-battered office market

By one key measure, Boston’s lab market is in as rough shape as the pandemic-battered office market

By Jon Chesto When demand for office space cratered during the COVID-19 pandemic, many developersdoubled down on building lab space instead. Lately, it sure seems like they went overboard. With newly builtlife sciences buildings hitting the market at a much faster rate than they can be filled, the availability of lab space in Greater Boston […]

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HubSpot stock sinks as Alphabet reportedly sours on acquisition

HubSpot stock sinks as Alphabet reportedly sours on acquisition

By Lucia Maffei Shares of HubSpot Inc. plunged in Wednesday afternoon trading after Bloomberg reported that Google parent company Alphabet put the brakes on its rumored acquisition of the Cambridge-based marketing firm. On Wednesday HubSpot’s stock (NYSE: HUBS) closed down 12.22%, giving the company a market capitalization of $25.06 billion. When rumors of a potential deal first emerged in April, the markets were valuing […]

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The Chiofaro Company begins Phase II of $100 million upgrade at International Place

The Chiofaro Company begins Phase II of $100 million upgrade at International Place

Boston, MA The Chiofaro Company has commenced on Phase II of the $100 million reinvestment and reimagination of International Place – a 1.8 million s/f office property. A beloved landmark on the city’s skyline, International Place has long been touted for its innovative expression and distinctive architecture. International Place reflects the diversity of industries and tenant […]

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