Market Updates

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Amid lab space glut, a big lease at last

Amid lab space glut, a big lease at last

By Jon Chesto It took longer than expected,but The Davis Companies’ big bet on Watertown Square is paying off with the region’s largest lease deal for newly built lab space so far this year. Davis and its partner Boston Development Group just inked a deal with serial biotech entrepreneur Greg Verdine that would bring two of Verdine’s […]

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How does Massachusetts stack up in the economic battle among states? A new benchmark offers an in-depth look.

How does Massachusetts stack up in the economic battle among states? A new benchmark offers an in-depth look.

By Larry Edelman To paraphrase a popular business maxim — most frequently attributed to management guru Peter Drucker — you can’t improve what you don’t measure. To that end, a leading business group on Monday unveiled the Massachusetts Competitive Index, a new gauge of the state’s economic strengths and weaknesses designed to show how we compare against […]

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Massachusetts adds smallest number of biotech jobs since 2017, says report

Massachusetts adds smallest number of biotech jobs since 2017, says report

By Hannah Green Last year, Massachusetts’ life sciences industry saw its slowest job growth since 2017 as the industry faced economic headwinds.  The Bay State’s biopharma workforce consisted of 116,937 employees in 2023, according to the latest “Industry Snapshot” report put out by the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, or MassBio, on Tuesday. The trade group found that […]

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U.S. Added 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Reported Earlier

U.S. Added 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Reported Earlier

By Ben Casselman The U.S. economy added far fewer jobs in 2023 and early 2024 than previously reported, a sign that cracks in the labor market are more severe — and began forming earlier — than initially believed. On Wednesday, the Labor Department said monthly payroll figures overstated job growth by roughly 818,000 in the 12 months that ended in […]

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By one key measure, Boston’s lab market is in as rough shape as the pandemic-battered office market

By one key measure, Boston’s lab market is in as rough shape as the pandemic-battered office market

By Jon Chesto When demand for office space cratered during the COVID-19 pandemic, many developersdoubled down on building lab space instead. Lately, it sure seems like they went overboard. With newly builtlife sciences buildings hitting the market at a much faster rate than they can be filled, the availability of lab space in Greater Boston […]

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