Tags: technology

Aldi Employs Age Estimation Tech For Alcohol Purchases At Checkout-Free Store

Aldi Employs Age Estimation Tech For Alcohol Purchases At Checkout-Free Store

by Mikelle Leow “Guess how old I am” is one of the most infuriating icebreakers and often concludes with no winners—but might artificial intelligence beat humans at that game? German-owned grocery chain Aldi is betting its money on the machine at its first contactless concept store in Greenwich, southeast London, where age-estimation technology is being trialed. […]

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Amazon Look to Boston MA for HQ2 Location

Amazon Looks to Boston MA for Second HQ

When Amazon openly asked for cities to submit proposals for their second headquarters less than two weeks ago, naturally there was a great deal of interest. The e-commerce powerhouse has just begun their process, stating in a tweet that “every city is on an equal playing field”, but some say Boston could be a front […]

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Rise of Innovation District Drives Tech to Downtown Boston

Rise of Innovation District Drives Tech Downtown

With the Seaport “Innovation District” drawing in industry leaders like Reebok and GE, growing tech startups are beginning to fill the space left behind downtown. The modernizing economic climate in Boston has created a greater appeal for the waterfront locale. With new models for collaborative work spaces, company headquarters, and housing, the Innovation District has […]

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Green Line Extension, Bitter or Sweet?

President Obama released the budget of $100 million in federal fiscal year 2015 supporting the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) Green Line Extension project (GLX) which benefits the economy and environment of Somerville and Medford communities in the upcoming several years. “The Green Line Extension offers Somerville and the region both economic justice and environmental […]

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The Future of Eye Care Fits in Your Pocket

A Somerville startup is poised to revolutionize the eye care industry by making optometry more affordable and accessible. EyeNetra has developed a solution that allows users to take a refractive test and receive a prescription, all from their mobile phone. EyeNetra was launched in 2011 as a product of collaborative research conducted in the MIT […]

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