Tags: vacancy rates

Boston Office Space Vacancy Rates and Market Trends

Boston Office Space Vacancy Rates and Market Trends

The Boston commercial real estate market is one of the strongest in the nation. Here’s a quick look at the statistics and how Boston compares to other major cities across the country. Boston Market Area Vacancy Rate The Boston office space vacancy rate has remained fairly steady from quarter to quarter. It shifted just 0.1% […]

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Boston Office Market Q1 2015

Boston Office Market Q1 2015

The Boston office market finished the first quarter of 2015 in an overall positive standing. It concluded the quarter with vacancy rates averaging at 9.1%, not a significant change from the previous quarter of 9.2%, however, vacancy rates have been consistently decreasing among all types of office spaces, i.e. Class A, Class b, and Class […]

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Boston Retail Market in Q1 2015

Boston Retail Market in Q1 2015

The commercial real estate retail market has experienced minimal change in the first quarter of 2015. The retail market saw the vacancy rate held at 3.9%; vacancy rates are determined by a “percentage of the total amount of physically vacant space divided by the total amount of existing inventory.” The Boston retail market includes the […]

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Q1 Office Trends Project Slow Recovery

Q1 2013 Office Trends from Reis Reports Here are some significant and noteworthy trends from the Office sector of commercial real estate in the first quarter of 2013, as explained by Dr. Victor Calanog, VP of Economics and Research at ReisReports: The office vacancy rate declined 0.1% to 17% at the end of the quarter, […]

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