Tags: tax payer

State auditor clears way for $3B in excess revenue to be returned to taxpayers

State auditor clears way for $3B in excess revenue to be returned to taxpayers

State Auditor Suzanne Bump announced Thursday that her office has determined that the state’s tax revenue last year exceeded the allowable limit by nearly $3 billion, confirming the estimate put forward by Gov. Charlie Baker and clearing the way for the money to be returned to taxpayers. Chapter 62F, a law approved by voters in 1986, sets limits on […]

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MBTA under scrutiny for excessive wages

The Bay State’s taxpayer-funded commuter rail service has recently made headlines for large raises, signing bonuses and other perks that its engineers and conductors have received. According to a report compiled by Pioneer Institute, a conservative fiscal watchdog, the MBTA has excessive labor costs that outrank other state agencies. The report called on Governor Patrick […]

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