We spend one third of our entire life sleeping, so it’s worthwhile of paying big money for a really nice bed. It is the same when it comes to office space. We work approximately 8 hours, a.k.a. one third of a day. If staying and working (or not working) at the office feels like the most “meh” thing in one’ entire day, it’s really a misery for both the employee and company.
Thus, to the company owner, office space should not be just about locations, square feet and the cost. It should be the place that everyone loves to go to, the space that helps to keep talent and the place that catalyzes collaborations.
Office cubes are not as popular as it once was since companies and organizations are more likely to cheer for and appreciate creativity which creates a lot of collaboration in the office. Instead of separate desks and plastic walls, people sit together at longer and bigger tables in open spaces. This allows them to work as teams, it breaks down the isolation, encourages discussions and contributes to better communication.
Having a fish tank in the dining area or a couple of dogs walking around makes people relaxed and cheerful. Sometimes pets are great friends in the office space, not only in your kids’ classroom! Some employers even create an entertainment/brainstorm/game room for their employees. It would be no surprise if you see an old-school video-game arcade in the company you happen to visit.
Office space could definitely be an exciting playground for the employees. Happy employees make for a better environment all around, so it is worthwhile to liven up your office spaces!
Our experienced commercial agents are ready to take on your questions and help you find the right property for your business, investment, etc. Look into properties represented by our commercial agents by going to www.abgcommercial.com.
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