Tags: ChatGPT

GPT-7 Will Be Smarter Than We Are

GPT-7 Will Be Smarter Than We Are

By Jack Rogers | April 17, 2023 at 07:50 AM The last time we talked to Bert Van Hoof, president and chief operating officer of Willow, Bert told us in December that WillowTwin was linking with Microsoft’s Sustainability Cloud to develop an AI-driven intelligent rules engine designed to integrate building systems and replicate the knowledge of aging operators. […]

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ChatGPT Is an OK Law Student. Can It Be an OK Lawyer?

By Drake Bennett January 27, 2023 at 7:00 AM EST A fixation with ChatGPT emerged just as educators were grappling with more urgent questions. But first… Decent grades When professors at the University of Minnesota Law School asked ChatGPT to take several of their exams, the chatbot earned on average a C+. ChatGPT is apparently better-suited to business school, earning a […]

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