Kendall Apartment Tower with Garden New and Improved

Kendall Apartment Tower with Garden New and Improved

Sit back and smell the roses
Sit back and smell the roses

When in Boston the constant bustling of all surroundings can be overbearing at times. If you’re looking for a peaceful place to relax, or if you’re a nature loving individual you can come appreciate some of the beauties in life with The Kendall Apartment Tower connected to a garage with a spacious rooftop garden. Anyone appreciating the little things in life should head to Kendall Square to check out this garden. Its perfect for the most relaxing afternoon.

According to Cambridge Day, a company worth $2 billion dollars wants help, being $1 million, from Cambridge Redevelopment Authority in order to help save this garden while the building of Kendall Apartment Towers continues. The first try for this failed, as the garden was going to be taken away from the public in order to create more space for building room. The board confirmed this on the 3rd try around for this residential project in the square as was stated by the Cambridge Day’s article, “Kendall apartment tower developer offers century of access to garden, more for $1M”.

Originally the deal was to have the garden stay until the year 2050, but that has now recently been extended until 2112/2113. Now Boston developers are trying to give the public want they want instead of taking it away, the garden for years to come.

If you’re looking to experience this garden for yourself, try looking to one of these properties to make your own.

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