Tags: apartment buildings

Farm-to-Table Restaurants Becoming the New Neighborhood Eatery

photo by: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/a-farm-to-table-restaurant-with-organic-appeal.html Farm-to-table is the new trend, and Boston’s restaurant scene has really picked up on it. From sourcing ingredients from local food vendors and becoming a true part of the neighborhood, farm-to-table restaurants are receiving tremendous success right now. Most of these farm-to-table restaurants have an atmosphere different from any other type of […]

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We Dance With The Beat Of The Economy

In the past decade, the commercial real estate industry has been going through its ups and downs. From 2000 to 2010, large numbers of commercial real estate companies had been showing up but the industry revenue didn’t catch up with the speed of increasing companies. Then the winter came with the economic recession, busted the […]

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Green Line Extension, Bitter or Sweet?

President Obama released the budget of $100 million in federal fiscal year 2015 supporting the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) Green Line Extension project (GLX) which benefits the economy and environment of Somerville and Medford communities in the upcoming several years. “The Green Line Extension offers Somerville and the region both economic justice and environmental […]

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