It’s almost that time of the year again for Boston’s MassChallenge. The startup accelerator is now accepting applications, starting Wednesday at 3pm, for startups to compete for $1 million in cash awards.
They will be accepting 125 startups and those who will be involved in the program will have mentorship and office space at their office. When MassChallenge begins, startups will not only have the chance to receive awards but they will have the opportunity to receive funding from investors.
Last year, 1,237 startups applied, which is a big jump from the amount received in 2011. Also, sixteen teams went home with cash prize and four teams won the grand prize.
MassChallenge 2013 will start on June 25th and end Octobor 30th and accepted applications will be announced on May 22nd. If interested, check out their website for more information (