Already finished the research about consumers and competitors in a specific area you want to jump in? Good!
Then, it’s time to pick up a space to start your restaurant. The direct asking rent per square feet for a retail space normally is lower than a restaurant space. Renting a retail space seems a good choice, doesn’t it? Before adding the unbeatable number to your rental budget, think about the efforts and money it needs to convert a retail space to a restaurant.
It costs a lot of designing and installing a commercial kitchen ventilation system, which is extremely crucial to a commercial kitchen. The CKV system must comply with a range of regulations and design codes imposed by state and local building authorities, health departments, fire marshals, insurance companies and even OSHA. So it’s better to seek help from a design professional instead of struggling alone. However it is the owner and/or the restaurant operator’s responsibility to understand the system in terms of running the restaurant cost-efficiently.
More information about the CKV, check here:
After doing so, check out for listings that you could use for your own business in the Greater Boston Area and reach out to us today!
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