Tags: Massachusetts

State auditor clears way for $3B in excess revenue to be returned to taxpayers

State auditor clears way for $3B in excess revenue to be returned to taxpayers

State Auditor Suzanne Bump announced Thursday that her office has determined that the state’s tax revenue last year exceeded the allowable limit by nearly $3 billion, confirming the estimate put forward by Gov. Charlie Baker and clearing the way for the money to be returned to taxpayers. Chapter 62F, a law approved by voters in 1986, sets limits on […]

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REIT Finance Professionals Share Their Advice about Pursuing a Career in the Commercial Real Estate Industry

REIT Finance Professionals Share Their Advice about Pursuing a Career in the Commercial Real Estate Industry

By Jane Dollinger via Nareit During Nareit’s REITwise: 2022 Law, Accounting & Finance Conference, Nareit spoke with several REIT finance veterans about what they love about the REIT industry and why young finance professionals should pursue a career in real estate. Find their answers below, and follow #REITjobs on LinkedIn to find your next position at a […]

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Boston Office Market Q1 2015

Boston Office Market Q1 2015

The Boston office market finished the first quarter of 2015 in an overall positive standing. It concluded the quarter with vacancy rates averaging at 9.1%, not a significant change from the previous quarter of 9.2%, however, vacancy rates have been consistently decreasing among all types of office spaces, i.e. Class A, Class b, and Class […]

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Boston Retail Market in Q1 2015

Boston Retail Market in Q1 2015

The commercial real estate retail market has experienced minimal change in the first quarter of 2015. The retail market saw the vacancy rate held at 3.9%; vacancy rates are determined by a “percentage of the total amount of physically vacant space divided by the total amount of existing inventory.” The Boston retail market includes the […]

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Solar Energy & What It Can Mean For Your Property

photo by:http://blog.ucsusa.org/solar-power-blooms-across-the-country-121 As the world is pushing for more ecologically-friendly energy sources, the people of Boston are responding by increasing clean, renewable, and sustainable energy sources, such as solar energy panels. Solar energy panels work because of the photo-voltaic process, which is a chemical phenomenon that occurs when an electrical charge, or voltage, is generated […]

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