Mixed Retailers Performance Review

Mixed Retailers Performance Review

The mixed retailer category is still led by Wal-Mart, Costco and Target with a sustainable but not impressive performance in the past year. As Research and Markets reported, the current value sales growth in 2013 was equal to the CAGR for the review period at 1% but below 2012 sales growth and this category is expected to have a 1% value CAGR growth by the end of 2014.

Department stores and mass merchandisers experienced a downturn while variety stores and warehouse clubs led the growth in the mixed retailor segment mainly because they met customer’s need of low prices, bulk-sized goods, all -in-one shopping trip.  This consumer behavior trend accounts of the tiny vacancy rate and continuous rising rent, which have been pushing people to the suburban area.

Research and Market forecasts that variety stores are going to open new outlets and continue encourage sales although the economic recovery for low-income consumers will be below average for a certain amount of time.


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