Would you ever consider living in a 295 square foot apartment? Growing US cities including Boston and San Francisco are trying to attract young professionals to the downtown area but the high housing prices make it difficult. A solution to this problem may be micro apartments. These units are tiny apartments with one main room that is 10 by 29 feet where one considers the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, and living room to be in one small space.
This small dwelling will costs less than $2,000 a month, which is cheaper than the average downtown apartment. The city is thinking about building these micro apartments to deal with the housing shortage.
Even though the location may be appealing to citizens the price in comparison to the size of the apartment may not go over too well.
Officials have established a minimum of 350 square feet for micro-units which limits them to the South Boston Innovation District.
“We have plenty of people proposing to build these units because they see it as a lucrative form of development,” said Kairos Shen, Boston’s chief planner. “We don’t want to take away the incentives for them to build small, but we also want to make sure that we have real standards that guarantee a quality of life.”
The founders of the units want to make the units small but they do not want sacrifice the items that people care about the most.
For more information visit boston.com