Jamaica Plain apartment complex moves into next stage

Jamaica Plain apartment complex moves into next stage

Although Boston Residential group faced opposition from locals in the Jamaica Plain area, a 196-unit apartment project was approved by both the Boston Redevelopment Authority and the Zoning Board of Appeal.

Concerns about the affordability and density of the project were raised by locals upset with development during the City Hall hearing.

However, argument for the project outweighed concerns against. The development will include 33 affordable housing unites (up from a an original 26), 147 below ground parking spaces, a Zipcar site, bus stop, and approximately 200 construction jobs.

Kevin Moloney, a member of the Jamaica Pond Association’s board of directors argues, “It’s too big, it’s too tall, there are too few affordable units, too few two and three bedrooms.” Furthermore that the property, “goes from property line to property line.”

Another critic, Greg Galer of the Boston Preservation Alliance, claims that developers did not actively research alternative to preserve the previous site of the Home for Little Wanderers. “Just because a building doesn’t meet landmark criteria for local or national significance doesn’t mean it’s not important to our city,” Galer said (The Boston Herald).

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